RCMP Depot Division

National Law Enforcement Training

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For over 150 years, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has earned a reputation of excellence in policing. Our officers are fully trained in law enforcement techniques, conflict management and community relations. It is the unique combination of these skills, coupled with a sincere belief in justice, that has made the RCMP the pride of Canada and a highly respected police force worldwide.

The RCMP receives many requests for training from law enforcement agencies and agencies with law enforcement mandates looking to capitalize on the expertise of the RCMP. The National Law Enforcement Training Unit (NLET) was established to meet these demands.

Although training can be conducted at the RCMP Academy, Depot Division, in Regina, many of our courses are portable and offered across Canada. We have delivered training in every major Canadian city from Vancouver to St. John's, from Toronto to Iqaluit and everywhere in between. These options enable federal organizations to get the maximum value for their training dollars.

We are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of federal agencies across Canada. We deliver investigator courses as well as firearms training.

If you have any questions, please contact the National Law Enforcement Training Unit. We look forward to meeting your training needs.


The National Law Enforcement Training Unit's mission is to provide the highest quality of training via experienced professionals, as well as state of the art methodology, facilities and technology. Through our professional quality service to our partners and clients, NLET will promote Depot as a show place of the RCMP

We are committed to our service standard of providing quality and leading-edge law enforcement training and facility to other law enforcement agencies allowing them to meet the changing needs of their communities.

Methodology: Interactive Learning

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy and the National Law Enforcement Training Unit have modified all courses to incorporate the most advanced teaching techniques. No longer are course candidates expected to sit and absorb knowledge by listening to the traditional lecture mode of instruction. Instead, the candidates are asked to actively participate in the learning process.

Today's methods focus on adult learning. The instructor/facilitator facilitates the learning process, and while lectures as a means of training have not disappeared, they have been complemented by such methods as problem-based learning, individualized instructional modules and research assignments.

Problem-based learning, which includes scenarios, is one of our most popular and successful instructional methods. It allows the candidates to practice what they have learned under the guidance of their course facilitator and other resource personnel, who then provide the feedback creating a dynamic learning environment.

Current courses

Law Enforcement Investigators Course Cancelled

  • February 24 to 28, 2025
  • Regina, Saskatchewan
  • Cost Estimate: $475.00 (includes meals and accommodations)
  • Registration deadline December 2, 2024 due to security clearance requirements


The National Law Enforcement Training Unit offers state of the art training at a world class facility, all for a cost recovery price. This allows your organization to get the maximum value for your training dollars. Browse through our comprehensive list of training courses and check out the RCMP Academy Training Facilities.

Normally, an NLET course can accommodate up to 24 candidates. Larger organizations can book entire courses for their candidates. When an organization has fewer than 24 candidates, those individuals will be included on the course with other agencies.

To register for any of our courses, or to obtain more information, please contact us.

Mailing Address

National Law Enforcement Training Unit
RCMP Academy, Depot Division
PO Box 6500
Regina, SK S4P 3J7

Telephone: 639-625-3064

Email: rcmp.nletdepot-gfpcdepot.grc@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Course catalogue

For additional information, including availability and pricing, please contact the National Law Enforcement Training Unit.

General law enforcement courses

Law Enforcement Investigators Course: Level I

Each course can accommodate up to 24 candidates.

Candidates must be sponsored by their agency and are accepted via completed registration form.


The Law Enforcement Investigator Course: Level I is designed to develop the candidate's understanding, knowledge and skills in the basic concepts of investigation and court process. The candidate will then be better equipped to conduct investigations within their various fields of enforcement.

At the end of this course, candidates will be able to:

  • apply the RCMP's Community Policing problem solving model
  • explain the Judicial process
  • use verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • apply the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • record information using a standard notebook
  • explain the difference between inspection vs investigation
  • explain pertinent Criminal Code offence(s)
  • correctly collect, handle, label and store evidence
  • take witness and cautioned statements
  • apply interviewing techniques
  • identify the importance of ethics and professional standards
  • prepare a court brief
  • demonstrate proper courtroom demeanor when giving testimony

Federal government employees involved in the investigation and enforcement of regulatory statutes.


English or French

Indigenous Policing Courses

Cadet Insertion Program

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