Royal Canadian Mounted Police


The RCMP is involved in four levels of policing:

  • international
  • national
  • provincial
  • local

It is criminal intelligence that enables the organization to "connect the dots", in order to increase public safety. For example, follow manifestations of unlawful activity from 'local to global' to prevent crime and to investigate criminal activity.

Intelligence-led policing requires reliance on intelligence before decisions are taken, be they tactical or strategic. Tactical intelligence affects operations while strategic intelligence is used to set priorities, allocate resources within the organization and may influence Canadian public policy.

Information collected in the context of lawful investigations by the RCMP is collated with information from many other sources. It becomes intelligence when it is analyzed in the Criminal Intelligence Program (CIP) by professional criminal intelligence analysts to ascertain validity and ensure accuracy before it is included in a threat assessment.

The RCMP, as a member of the Canadian law enforcement community, shares intelligence with its partners across the country and the world, as appropriate.

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