Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Children and youth

Looking at how the RCMP is engaging children and youth to foster relationships and build meaningful connections.

  1. Persistence helps reunite mother and son

    In September 2021, a mother reunited with her son almost 20 months after her estranged husband abducted their child and fled overseas. Read how specialized RCMP investigators supported Toronto police during the international investigation.

  1. Just the facts: Cyberbullying

    Cyberbullying can have a psychological impact on victims, including anxiety, poor concentration and feelings of hopelessness. Get some essential facts on cyberbullying instances, and its impact on youth in the latest RCMP Gazette article.

  1. Visit to RCMP training centre opens teens' minds

    Read how RCMP Corporal Kimberly Rutherford and a group of high school basketball players from Gold River, British Columbia, put their skills to the test while visiting the RCMP Pacific Region Training Centre.

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