Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Tracking RCMP progress on Mass Casualty Commission recommendations


The numbers above represent the total number of RCMP action items (the actions we are taking to address the recommendations of the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC) Final Report), not the number of MCC Final Report recommendations.

This page allows people to monitor the RCMP's progress on advancing recommendations from the Mass Casualty Commission Final Report. In the future, the intent is to use this page to provide updates on other major external reviews of the RCMP.

About this information

The information is organized into action items that address various MCC recommendations. Each action item includes a summary as well as the latest details on steps being taken to advance our work. The action items are filterable by:

  • recommendation number: search for RCMP actions on select MCC recommendations
  • recent updates: search for RCMP actions in a specific date range
  • theme: search for action items related to the RCMP's 10 themes
  • status: search for action items according to their status

The status options are:

  • complete: our efforts on this action item are complete, but we will continue to monitor it to ensure it is achieving intended results
  • in progress: work is currently underway on this action item
  • to be actioned: work on this action item has not yet begun, but will soon get underway

Why is the numbers of action items not equal to the number of Mass Casualty Commission recommendations?

The numbers on this page represent specific action items. The action items demonstrate the work we are doing to address the recommendations in the MCC Final Report.

Our overall approach is to measure progress against the MCC recommendations by theme and action item. This means that an action item under any particular theme could address more than 1 recommendation. Additionally, we may not have actions for recommendations for which we are not the lead or a contributor to.

Action items may also be modified, removed, or added as we continuously evaluate if our efforts are meeting the mark and/or supporting our partners. Some action items may also be delayed as we seek additional resources or authorities.

Our strategy provides additional information on our approach.

Our role

We have a role to play in advancing all 130 MCC recommendations in collaboration with our partners; however, our role varies depending on the recommendation:

  • Lead (33 recommendations)—We have the mandate to implement the recommendation
  • Contributor (55 recommendations)—We play an important role, but require collaboration from partners to advance the work
  • Impacted (20 recommendations)—Work is led by other partners with impacts to RCMP, such as changes to legislation
  • Supporter (22 recommendations) —Work is outside our authority/mandate but there are opportunities to support
How to know when the page has been updated?

Users can filter by date to easily see the most recent information.

Additionally, when new information is added to the page, we will add an update summary at the top of the page. We may also post from our national social media accounts or issue news releases, depending on the nature of the updates.

In addition, we continue to provide regular updates to the families of the victims of the mass casualty event in Nova Scotia, and quarterly updates to the external Progress Monitoring Committee.


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